Sunday, March 8, 2015

Religion buildings and statues

I introduce the Japanese new religion's buildings.
 This is in japan, not Thailand , India or Greece.

This is a holy place of a Japanese religion.  
The building behind the gold one looks like Parthenon, 
but it is a hall of the school.

Next one,so funny shape in Osaka.
This religion's  is famous for not only the original design,
but also so big firework.
The hilight is last explosion.
It is not failure.

Today's last.
It is look like the last stage of a game.
But this is real. 

Exciting design.

Japanese old temples or shrines are beautiful,of course.
But new religion's buildings have original attraction ,too.

In this connection,the religions of these owners are not same.
I don't intend to introduce the religions themselves.  

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